Extra attention to 500-year flood plains - University Green example

A University Green resident via social media pointed out an example of repeated flooding outside of any Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and away from any bayous.

University Green is located in the southeastern portion of Clear Lake City immediately south of the University of Houston - Clear Lake campus. It is adjacent to the western border of Johnson Space Center (see first map).  

Drainage from the area flows into a ditch that runs southward ultimately connecting to Cow Bayou near the intersection of El Camino Real and East Medical Center Boulevard.

The resident mentioned repeated episodes of patio homes being flooded in the central portion of the neighborhood in the vicinity of Ivy Grove and Plumbwood (see second map).

The zoomed-in view shows that the 500-year flood plain (zone of 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard) extends into this area from the east.  There is a bowl-shaped low area that is coincident with Barleton Way and Plumbwood Way.  During heavy rainfall water will enter this depression from Ivy Grove to the northeast and remain trapped until it dissipates via storm drains.  There is a similar feature covering Doverwood Way and Dale Oak Way immediately towards the south.

It appears that the flooding issues in this area are exacerbated by the topography.  There is also a very large area of open land on the Johnson Space Center property that would be susceptible to ponding during storms as shown by the 500-year floodplain. Depending on the inundation depth and rate of rainfall this could hinder drainage from University Green.

This example shows that given the increased frequency of 500-yr (and greater) storms in recent years residents may want to place more emphasis on the location and configuration of the 500-year flood plains and not just the SFHAs.  


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